

New Features

  • Bump from alpha to beta quailty. The public API will no longer change in a non-backwards compatible way without a very good reason.
  • Add support for Python 3.6


New Features:

  • Use an enum rather than a string to set the object type in Stream. For python < 3.4 this adds a new requirement on enum34

Bug Fixes:

  • Fix numerous typos and errors in the sphinx documentation


New Features:

  • Proper documentation via readthedocs


New Features:

  • Add __slots__ to the Writer classes

Bug Fixes:

  • Fix a bug with both ObjectWriter and ArrayWriter with pretty printing, in which the comma property wouldn’t be properly set. (#12)
  • Fix bug with ObjectWriter and pretty printing. (#11)


New features:

  • Allow passing a filename or an already opened fd to the Stream class. (#4)
  • Add typing stub files. (#6)
  • Add iterwrite methods. These allow writing generators and iterators without creating an in memory data-structure. (#8)


Bug Fixes:

  • Pass the pretty flag down in the Stream class correctly. This bug was more of an annoyance than anything else. (#7)


New features:

  • Added a pretty printer flag. This allows printing complex object with the expected level of indent, but with added overhead. (#3)

Bug Fixes:

  • Pass the indent value to the encoder of the writer, which means complex objects get indented. The value may not be what is expected without the pretty flag. (#2)
  • Invalid types can no longer be passed as keys to Object.write. (#1)